
In 1916, Congress established the Farm Credit System to provide a reliable source of credit for farmers in the United States. Today, the Farm Credit System provides more than one-third of the credit needed by those who live and work in rural America. The Farm Credit Administration was created in 1933 and provides regulatory oversight of the Farm Credit System. 

The Farm Credit System has loans in excess of $390 billion, over 600,000 member-borrowers, more than 12,000 employees and coverage in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

Farm Credit Administration 
Independent Federal agency that regulates and examines the banks, associations, and related entities of the Farm Credit System (FCS). The FCA’s mission: The Farm Credit Administration ensures a safe, sound and dependable source of credit and related services for all creditworthy and eligible persons in agriculture and rural America.

Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
Government-controlled corporation that insures the timely payment of Farm Credit System wide debt.

Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation
Issues a variety of Federal Farm Credit Banks Consolidated System wide Debt Securities (Farm Credit Debt Securities) on behalf of the Farm Credit System Banks with a broad range of maturities and structures.

Farm Credit Council
Full-service, federated trade association representing the System before Congress.

FCC Services
Provides business solutions to the Farm Credit System and manages the Farm Credit Captive Insurance Company.

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